Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Days

Today is Ash Wendesday, and while I usually do not celebrate this holiday in the typical Lenten fashion, I have decided this year to do so. I get frustrated over cavalier attitudes to give up something just for the heck of it. So I really started thinking about what the time before Easter and leading up to that life-changing holiday means - and the thing I've really been dwelling on is sacrifice. Christ on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice, and what am I doing to radically obey him and carry my own cross?

Time - my time is one of the greatest things I can give to the Lord. 1) in not serving myself, and 2) in learning more about Him through prayer, bible studying, and listening to his voice. Soooooo, I'm committing to cutting back my hours of sleep (something I treasure dearly) or at least going to bed earlier (so maybe I can't watch reruns of Project Runway) so that I can wake up "early" (6:00 am is really not that bad I am telling myself) so that I can go the gym and read and use the time to just be quiet and talk to the Lord.

Day 1 - I was able to get up and get to the gym by 7:00 am, despite a late night activity that kept me up till midnight. My flesh was fighting hard, but the Holy Spirit definitely helped me! I'm not sharing this to get a pat on the back about how great I am - it's the opposite! This is something I have always struggled with, and I think it will be even harder these next couple weeks because I am committing this to God. We will see how this goes as the Potter continues his work!


Laura Shipley said...

Bethany! I really respect your time sacrifice for Lent. I'm praying for you! I definitely know how much of a challenge that is :)

griffi said...

Yeya! Lent is one of my favorite times of the year!