Thursday, August 4, 2011

Discontentment, Worry, and Thankfulness

Our latest study centered around discontentment, worry/anxiety, and unthankfulness. I have the tendency to let worry eat me up, but I know it is sin. But God is gracious through his santification. This past we were going through an awful experience at work. It seemed devastating to my perspective, but through prayer, and the Holy Spirit constantly reasurring me that everything would be okay, I was able to have a sense of peace - praise God! I certainly had my moments of "freak-out", but overall the Lord reminded my of his promise in Proverbs - that if I trust in the Lord and don't lean on my own understanding, he will direct mine, and my fiance's path :) Below is a great devotional on this, that I just had to repost. Would love your thoughts!

God’s desire is that our faith grow continuously as we walk with Him. He never intended belief to be a one-time event with a single purpose of ushering us into salvation. The older we get, the greater our trust should become. Yet I’ve met some Christians who have stayed at the same level of faith throughout life.

We need to realize that our willingness to trust the Lord affects every area of our lives—how we feel, what we do, the way He blesses us, and whether our prayers are answered. It all begins with our focus. When you face difficulties or heartbreak, do you notice only the impossibility of the circumstances, or do you see the greatness of our Father? To whose voice are you listening—the skeptical advice of others, the lies of Satan, or the Word of God?

Our focus in turn affects our emotions. Those who choose to believe what God says experience the peace and joy of knowing He has everything under His control. Because they trust Him, fewer situations bother them. But if our minds are filled with doubts, anxiety and fear rush in—then, we’re just not sure if the Lord is going to help us or not. Instead of resting in Christ, we fuss and fume, trying to anticipate all possible outcomes and solve every problem in our own strength.

I don’t think we realize how important faith is to God. He delights in us when we choose to believe Him; He will also move heaven and earth to act on our behalf and answer our prayers. By trusting Him, we’ll discover new excitement and adventure in life and find that He is always faithful.