Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Colors of Fall

How many colors belong in the palette for fall foliage?

This past weekend, as H.H. and I drove back to D.C. from a beautiful wedding of dear friends in Buffalo, New York, that was the question on my mind.  For about 5 hours we drove through the Allegheny Mountains in PA and the colors were G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.  And it was such a pleasant surprise, for all the time I've spent in my beloved Pennsylvania (including lots of hours of driving) I was not familiar with this drive so it was fun to see some new sights!

We found an absolutely quaint and picture perfect roadside stop where we picked up some pumpkins.  It was soooooooo beautiful.  That's probably annoying and obnoxious to read, huh?  I mean, really how many "o"s do I need?  Well, try spending anytime in nature with me...every single o is needed for emphasis!

The best part, though? 2 large pumpkins, 3 small pumpkins, 5 gourds, and 3 ears of fall corn...all for $17!

So I was just going to post 1 picture, but the colors are just too vibrant and gorgeous not too share.  And I'm starting to learn how to be all artsy-fartsy with my photography!  Really though, how many colors can you pick out on this palette?



Have a wonderful fall!